Police arrested a 23-year-old man Wednesday who was charged with planning to assassinate French President Emmanuel Macron during the Bastille Day parade on July 14th in Paris.
The alleged plotter described himself as a “nationalist” who planned on killing Macron along with “Muslims, Jews, blacks, (and) homosexuals, a judicial source told The Guardian. The man said that he was looking to purchase a firearm during a video game room internet chat. Users tipped off authorities who found the suspect at his home in a north-west Paris suburb. Three kitchen knives were found in his vehicle.
Police arrested the man Wednesday and authorities charged him Saturday for planning to commit a terrorist act.
He was previously sentenced to three years in prison after condoning terrorism in 2016, but the terms of his sentence allowed him to be released after 18 months. He was a vocal supporter of Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, a Neo-Nazi who killed 77 people in Norway in 2011.
The annual Bastille Day parade in Paris takes place on the Champs-Élysees, which has been the site of previous terror attempts. A terrorist attack occurred in April when an Islamic extremist shot and killed a police officer. A man died in June after a botched suicide bombing attempt when he rammed a vehicle filled with explosives into a police car.
Last Bastille Day a jihadist killed 86 people in Nice. France has been in a state of emergency since 2015.
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