Nadler sends Barr panicked 4-page letter over Giuliani’s Hunter-Ukraine evidence


Nadler sent a 4-page letter to Attorney General William Barr panicking over his “serious concerns” about the Department of Justice receiving Biden-Ukraine information from Rudy Giuliani, claiming that it’s “outside of normal channels.”

In addition, Nadler also questioned s0-called “conflicts of interest–both for the Department, generally, and for you [Barr], specifically.”

Nadler wrote: “Whether or not you are in league with Mr. Giuliani and his associates, DOJ guidelines and regulations exist to protect you and the Department from even the appearance of a conflict of interest or any impropriety,” after referring to allegations by Giuliani associate Lev Parnas that Barr was connected to the effort to collect info on the Bidens in Ukraine.

“Given your creation of a new ‘intake process’ for Mr. Giuliani, it is all the more important that you provide a complete explanation for your decision to sidestep standard Department practice,” Nadler added.

The letter formally asked for responses to a list of 11 questions within the next two weeks. For instance, the first two read …

“Please describe the exact “intake process” by which any information from Mr. Giuliani or others may be received, documented, and reviewed.
“Under what official guidelines or procedures was this intake process established? Who has reviewed this process? Has the Department’s legal counsel reviewed whether this process conflicts with any of the Department’s established guidelines, ethics rules. or internal procedures?”
In a Monday press conference, Barr told reporters:  “The DOJ has the obligation to have an open door to anybody who wishes to provide us information that they think is relevant. As I did say to Senator Graham, we have to be very careful with respect to any information coming from the Ukraine. There are a lot of agendas in the Ukraine, there are a lot of cross-currents, and we can’t take anything we receive from the Ukraine at face value. – READ MORE

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