Most US Voters Want Troops to Stop the Migrant Caravan — Including a Majority of Hispanic Americans


A recent survey showed that President Donald Trump actually had the majority of Americans’ support when it came to his controversial decision to send U.S. troops to guard the southern border as a massive migrant caravan made its way north from Central America.

Zogby Analytics surveyed 866 likely voters at the end of October and found that 57 percent supported Trump’s decision to send thousands of troops to the border, The Washington Examiner reported.

Although the vast majority (69 percent) of Democrats disagreed with the decision, it found support among older voters, those located in large cities, and Hispanic voters.

While 51 percent of Hispanic voters agreed with the decision, 30 percent strongly agreed. Just under 50 percent of Hispanic voters disagreed with the decision while 28 percent “strongly” disagreed. – READ MORE


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