In Hillary Clinton’s new memoir, “What Happened,” she admits to using alcohol and junk food to cope with her election loss.
After she was defeated in the November 2016 presidential election by Donald Trump, Clinton writes that she drank her “share of chardonnay,” and took to “splurging on burgers and fries,” “enjoying every bite,” while she ate.
Clinton was also reportedly advised to take Xanax, a powerful prescription drug that can cause memory loss. Xanax is often prescribed to individuals suffering from panic attacks and severe anxiety.
“Friends advised on me the power of Xanax and raved about their amazing therapists,” she wrote.
Excerpts of Clinton’s upcoming memoir, to be released September 12, have been making headlines across the press.
At one point in the book, Clinton discusses her marriage with Bill Clinton, stating “there were times that I was deeply unsure about whether our marriage could or should survive.”
She also uses the memoir to swipe at both Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, who she accuses of hurting her campaign.
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