Melania Trump Just Got Attacked for Asking People to Exercise and Eat Healthy — Yes, Really


Holding the title of first lady of the United States always brings out the critics, too. On Friday, Melania got a lot of heat for promoting health and exercise.

Melania’s comments generated a lot of backlash:


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On Monday night, Fox News host Laura Ingraham invited Sarah Beauchamp of Nylon magazine to her show to discuss Beauchamp’s recently published article, “No, Melania Trump Is Not Trolling Her Husband.” The premise of the article is that Melania Trump “hates” her husband “like the rest of us.”

Ingraham pressed Beauchamp on her status as a “feminist” since she is questioning another woman’s lifestyle choices. Beauchamp responded, “I don’t think I’m judging Melania’s life choices — well, to be fair, I guess I would judge a woman who would choose to marry Donald Trump. He’s truly a disgusting human being.” She added, ”I think that Donald Trump is disgusting. I would say that is a fact.”

Ingraham then asked, “You said, ‘Donald Trump is disgusting,’ that’s a fact. Well you’re a writer, so you know when you use the word ‘disgusting,’ that’s a subjective statement, is it not? It is not a fact. It is a fact that he’s president of the United States. It is not a fact that he’s disgusting.” – READ MORE


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