Mark Levin blasts Pelosi and Schumer as the ‘last people I want playing doctor with me or the American people’ (VIDEO)


Conservative talk show host Mark Levin blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Democrats overall on Thursday for their criticism of President Trump’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.

“I watch this and I realize there’s a lot of stupid people on TV,” Levin told Fox News‘ Sean Hannity. “The last people I want playing doctor with me or the American people are Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.”

Levin then read a number of things Trump has done since the outbreak began, even as Democrats accuse the administration for not having a good response.

“There’s no CDC cuts. There’s been [funding] increases,” Levin said. “Certain individuals have been quarantined by this president—the first time a U.S. president has done that in over half a century. The White House coronavirus task force was appointed over a month ago. The president temporarily suspended entry into the United States.” – READ MORE

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