That the Left is at war not just with conservatives, but with reality itself, has been clear for quite some time. Instead of trying to achieve some reconciliation with the nature of things as they are, the Left is growing ever more divorced from truth, reason, and ineluctable facts. For example, witness the hijab-wearing feminist (an oxymoron) Linda Sarsour’s magical race transformation.
It was absurd enough that a hijab-wearing defender of that most misogynistic of legal codes, Sharia, would be heralded as a champion of women’s rights and emerge as a feminist leader. But that was rational compared to the weapons-grade absurdity that Sarsour is now serving up. And it comes as no surprise that there has not been a whisper from her Leftist champions about this. They have anointed her a feminist icon, and she could probably stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot Gloria Steinem and still not lose that status.
This latest installment in the ongoing Sarsour clown show began when the blogger Elder of Ziyon made a most amazing discovery: Linda Sarsour claimed she “magically changed from white to a ‘woman of color’ in an instant,” just by putting on a hijab. – READ MORE
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