Lawmaker who suggested Trump use ‘own funds’ to help pay for border wall has history of missing votes: report


A congressman who last week suggested that President Trump ought to fork over his “own funds” to help fund the border wall, reportedly has a history of missing votes on Capitol Hill.

U.S. Rep. Walter Jones, a Republican who represents North Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District, missed a total of 7.7 percent of House votes in 2017 – ranking him 48th among 435 members in missed votes, according to statistics cited by the News & Observer of Raleigh.

More recently, an illness has prevented Jones from voting since late September. He has missed at least 27 roll call votes since then, through the House’s reconvening in November, the report said. He is expected to Capitol Hill when Congress reconvenes in January, the News & Observer reported.

Jones, 75, won an easy victory in the November midterms. During the primary, he said it would be his final term in office if he was elected. – READ MORE


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