Katy Tur: I Don’t Vote Because…I Want to Appear Neutral


MSNBC host Katy Tur is granting interviews to promote her book Unbelievable on being a political correspondent on the Trump campaign, and that included an hour-long softball session on NPR’sFresh Air with Terry Gross. Tur claimed she doesn’t vote because “I don’t have a horse in the race.” Earth to Miss Tur: When you host a daily program on MSNBC and received adulatory hour-long interviews on NPR, the public can guess which side you’re on.:

“GROSS: You don’t vote, and – because you want to be neutral. Especially when you’re covering a candidate, you don’t want that candidate to think that you’re for them or against them. You’re just covering them. And voting is the right that every citizen should have. It’s a private thing. You’re in the voting booth. No one knows who you voted for unless you tell them. So given all that, why do you choose not to vote?

TUR: Because I don’t want to color my own opinion. I think that if I was voting, I would feel like I had a horse in the race, and I don’t have a horse in the race. My job during this campaign season was to tell you what was going on as accurately as I could and without bias, without coloring it with a desire that I might have, internally, for a different outcome. And I feel very strongly about that, personally. I know everyone has their own opinions on this, but I feel very strongly about it. So if I am covering politics or if I’m covering, specifically, a presidential race, I don’t think it’s appropriate to vote.” – READ MORE

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