Kanye West Proves Love Affair With The Right Is Over, Gives $200K To Far-Left Candidate For Chicago Mayor


Kanye West announced on Twitter Tuesday that he was taking a break from politics, after being tied to a “Blexit” campaign encouraging black voters to leave the Democratic Party. But his “break” from politics was as short lived as his dalliance with Republican activists; Thursday, the Chicago Sun-Times revealed that ‘Ye cut a second check — this time for $126,000 — to a Chicago mayoral candidate who identifies as a “Democratic Socialist.”

On Monday, Kanye West announced on his Twitter feed that he’d donated $73,000 to Amara Enyia, a “little known” Chicago mayoral candidate backed by his friend and fellow artist (and Chicago native), Chance the Rapper.

Thursday morning, the Chicago Sun-Times announced that Kanye had cut an additional $126,000 check to Enyia, bringing his total donation to just shy of $200,000. – READ MORE


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