John Kerry: US ‘Paid a Price’ for Not Enforcing Obama’s ‘Red Line’ in Syria (VIDEO)


Former Secretary of State John Kerry said former President Barack Obama should have followed through on his infamous “red line” warning to Syria, and the United States “paid a price” as a result of Obama’s inaction.

Obama vowed in 2012 that if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime used chemical weapons on civilians, it would be a “game changer” for U.S. military involvement in Syria.

But Obama failed to enforce the promise a year later when hundreds of Syrians were killed in a sarin gas attack, and he instead brokered a multi-nation deal in which Assad pledged to remove his chemical weapons stockpile.

On “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Kerry said he was unable to persuade Obama that Assad “needed to be taught a lesson,” and it’s “regrettable” the red line was not enforced.

“I put several ideas on the table. The president was not persuaded by my argument. I believed that we had several options we could have done at very low risk to be able to make it clear to Assad that when we had a cease fire and when he said he was going to live by it, he had to live by it. And I thought we should have done that,” Kerry said.READ MORE


President Trump on Monday tweeted that he would be “so lucky” if former Secretary of State John Kerry launched a White House bid to challenge Trump in 2020.

“I see that John Kerry, the father of the now terminated Iran deal, is thinking of running for President. I should only be so lucky – although the field that is currently assembling looks really good – FOR ME!” Trump tweeted.

Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, did not rule out a potential 2020 White House bid during an interview on Sunday. He said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that talking about the 2020 race is a “distraction.” – READ MORE

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