President Biden says that if more of you rubes don’t go get a jab in the arm, he may not allow you to have three people over, masked and outside, on the 4th of July. Or whatever ridiculous configuration the health bureaucracy decides to tell you is “safe.” Perhaps liberals in New York, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and San Francisco are still taking these proclamations seriously. Nobody else is.
“Back on March 11, I outlined a vision of what America could look like by the Fourth of July — an America that was much closer to normal life that we left behind more than a year ago,” Biden said.
He warned: “To celebrate our independence from this virus on July 4th with family and friends in small groups, we still have more to do in the months of May and June. We all need to mask up until the number of cases goes down, until everyone has a chance to get their shot.”
To be clear, not everyone is getting the vaccine. The phrasing should always be “until everyone who wants to receive a vaccine has the opportunity.” Biden and ghouls like Dr. Fauci do not seem to understand that you can be pro-vaccine and think the speed and efficacy with which they were developed is a miracle while making a personal risk-assessed decision, in conjunction with your doctor, not to receive one.
I, for one, am not “vaccine-hesitant,” which is perhaps the dumbest phrase yet to smear Republicans who say they will not get the vaccine. I am an adult capable of looking around my community. I’ve already recovered from COVID-19 and have a history of anaphylactic reactions. Georgia currently has a seven-day rolling average rate of positive tests under 2,000 in a population of over 10 million. My county has had just over 300 cases in two weeks. On the last date deaths of patients with COVID-19 were confirmed, there were seven. In consultation with my doctor, who actually treats patients, unlike Dr. Fauci, I decided there is no reason for me to take the vaccine at this time.– READ MORE
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