Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ Justice Department has declined to prosecute a rogue FBI agent who was the target of a viciously critical Inspector General report released on Monday, linking the agent to a number of would-be felonies.
So much for draining The Swamp.
The unnamed special agent, according to the report, commited a string of felonies in the line of duty. The agent has since retired.
Seems like if FBI Director Christopher Wray wanted to make an example of what happens to corrupt agents when they cross the line, he just took a pass on that opportunity to push Sessions for a prosecution here.
Hard to imagine this agent walking away without a multi-count felony indictment. This is why the FBI and Justice Department have little credibility with hard-working and honest Americans.
This from the IG’s Office;
Findings of Misconduct by an FBI Special Agent for Contacting Witnesses for an Improper
Purpose, Divulging Law Enforcement Sensitive Information to Unauthorized Individuals,
Providing Misleading Testimony, Providing False Information to the OIG, Mishandling
Classified Information, and Misusing Government Devices and his Position
The Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated this
investigation after receiving information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),
Inspection Division, alleging that an FBI Special Agent (SA), who has since retired, may have
contacted witnesses during a federal criminal investigation for an improper purpose.
The OIG found that the SA contacted individuals who he either knew were, or had reasonable
belief would be witnesses in the criminal investigation and that the SA’s contacts with several
individuals appeared to be designed to improperly influence their prospective testimony.
Accordingly, the OIG concluded that the SA’s contacts with the witnesses were improper and
constituted misconduct.
During the investigation, the OIG also found that the SA divulged law enforcement sensitive
information to unauthorized individuals; misused his government issued electronic devices;
provided misleading testimony during a related civil deposition; mishandled classified
information; misused his position during contacts with local law enforcement officers; and
provided false information to the OIG. Criminal prosecution of the SA was declined.
The OIG has completed its investigation and provided its report to the FBI.
What does a federal employee have to do in Washington. D.C to get locked up?
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