In higher education’s ongoing quest to appeal to the “woke” crowd, colleges and universities across the country are now training professors about “inclusive grading” as part of a larger focus on diversity and inclusion.
The College Fix reported that Boise State University (BSU) is the latest in a long line of schools to jump on the ‘inclusive grading’ bandwagon. This week, the university is hosting an event called “Inclusive Teaching Means Inclusive Grading, Too.” The event is part of a larger certificate program, called Boise State Uniting for Inclusion and Leadership in Diversity (BUILD).
BSU, the Fix reported, has been on a “woke” kick lately, including hosting a book circle that makes participants “dig deep into ourselves to explore the ways in which we all, as individuals, sometimes unknowingly, support racism and white supremacy.”
The Fix also highlighted other programs coming up as part of the BUILD certification. One workshop is titled “Implicit Bias in the Academic Workplace” and suggests faculty attending reflect on “messages that are fed to us via news and popular culture may cause us to create an inequitable environment.” – READ MORE