‘I Regret the Tweet’: Philippe Reines Half-Apologizes, Then Threatens Donald Trump, Jr.


Hillary Clinton Gatekeeper Philippe Reines Early Thursday Said He Regretted A Crude Wednesday Tweet About The Wife Of President Donald Trump’s Son Donald Trump, Jr., But Then Threatened The President’s Son In The Same Message In Which He Was Supposedly Apologizing.

To the president’s son, whose wife he was apologizing to for the crude insult he sent out, Reines issued a veiled threat: “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

Reines also threatened supporters of President Trump, telling them to “shove it.”

Reines came under fire significantly from all sides after he sent what one senior ex-Trump White House aide told Breitbart News was a “morally repulsive” message to Vanessa Trump, Donald Trump Jr.’s wife. – READ MORE

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