Sunday on MSNBC, former Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT) said President Donald Trump was “mentally ill.”
Dean said, “Trump has been an outlier since he’s been president and he’s not a particularly well-respected person. He wasn’t very well respected when he was in business in New York, and he’s not very well respected now. What you had was what I think was an extraordinary tribute to John McCain. He basically rallied the decent people in this country, Republicans, and Democrats, to make a statement about America being a decent country and not being represented by the president, who is not a decent person.”
He continued, “I’ve long believed the president is mentally ill and I believe narcissism overcomes his ability to know, A, what’s good for the country, and B, what’s good for him.” – READ MORE
[divider][/divider]Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said President Trump is “running a criminal enterprise” out of the White House.
But Dean said it is clear that Trump or his staff are “shaking down foreign governments who have moved their events to his hotel in Washington at somebody’s request in order to get favors.”
“I think he’s running a criminal enterprise out of the White House and I think that’s what Bob Mueller’s on the track of,” Dean said.
The emoluments clause prohibits federal officials from taking payments from foreign governments. Earlier this month, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit from a liberal watchdog organization arguing Trump had violated the clause. – READ MORE
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