I have worked with and for people like Donald Trump.
You see, such people have minds that move very fast through mountains of information and are satisfied if they capture about the most relevant 20% of the key points that convey 80% of the story. They then have no problem telling you how much they know about the subject, while messing up on the 80% of the points that tell only 20% of the story.
Their minds can move faster than their mouths at times; while delivering a message to an audience, they might forget about the specific angle that should be taken with that audience – not that the message is different, but that different points need be emphasized or minimized.
They will move to tangential subjects if asked – even if not as prepared on these; they do this for all of the aforementioned reasons, plus they believe they are the smartest person in the room.
Such people can be great successes at business – the most successful people focus on the 20% that give 80% of the value; handling the rest is why they hire others.
My advice to such people is always: stay on point. If Trump sticks to the following points, he will win the election and win it in a landslide. In each case, Trump’s message – when he stays on point – resonates with many Americans. – READ MORE