Hillary Clinton Will Run Again in 2020, Insists Steve Bannon (VIDEO)


Steve Bannon, former chief executive of the Trump campaign, believes failed 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton is positioning herself for another run for the White House in 2020.

Bannon, speaking with Fox Business Network’s Trish Regan, said he thinks the Democrats are disillusioned with their current crop of candidates — and are willing to drop the frontrunners and bring in Hillary or a “centrist” to take down the president.

“They think they have a weak field and they’re — it’s like in chess. They’re prepared to sacrifice a rook to take down a king,” he explained.

“They will throw Biden away to get to Trump and hope Elizabeth [Warren] or I even think Hillary Clinton or [Michael] Bloomberg or some centrist comes in here.”

Bannon explained that, as he sees it, Hillary Clinton is almost definitely running — and is simply trying to find a way to wedge herself back into contention.

“She is running,” he stated.

“She’s just trying to decide how to fit her way in.” – READ MORE

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