Here’s What A North Korean Terrorist Had To Say About Trump’s State Sponsor Of Terror Designation


One of the North Korean agents who detonated a bomb aboard a South Korean passenger jet asserts that President Donald Trump’s decision to relist North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism is a “good thing.”

Citing the murder of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s half-brother Kim Jong Nam with a banned chemical weapon and the alleged brutalization of an American college student, Trump has decided to once again list the murderous North Korean regime as a state sponsor of terrorism.

“North Korea has always been a terrorist nation,” Kim Hyon-hui, one of two North Korean agents involved in the 1987 bombing of Korean Air Flight 858, toldVoice of America. The tragic bombing killed everyone on board, ending the lives of more than 100 innocent people. North Korea has never apologized for this attack. In the wake of this “terrorist act,” the Department of State designated North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism, a title it held for two decades.

The rogue regime was removed from the list in 2008, when the North promised to dismantle its nuclear weapons program, a deal the country violated.

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