Harvard Law Professor Claims Menendez Being Targeted For Political Beliefs (VIDEO)


Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey is being singled out by Republicans for political differences, according to Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who feels the politician shouldn’t be pressured to resign if convicted on corruption charges.

“The Republican National Committee is putting pressure on Menendez to resign if he is convicted. This is yet another example in my view of the criminalization of political differences,” Dershowitz told “Fox and Friends” Friday. “Now, I don’t know whether he is guilty or innocent. The jury will determine that, but we know that the Republican National Committee is trying to turn this into a political advantage because if he doesn’t resign immediately, his replacement is named by the Republican governor.”

Dershowitz believes the case will not end at the conclusion of the trial, but will continue to be appealed all the way up to the Supreme Court.

“One thing we know for sure, this case will not end with a trial. It will go to appeal. Because many of these cases result in initial convictions and are then reversed on appeal because the law regarding corruption, and what you need to get in return for what you give is very unclear and in a state of flux,” he said. “This case won’t be over unless the jury renders an acquittal. If it renders a conviction this case is going all the way up probably to the United States Supreme Court.”

The attorney for Menendez’s co-defendant came out and said the trial was an attack on Hispanics.

“Well, I think it’s a mistake to focus on ethnicity. I think the better tactic for the defendant would be to focus on the political implications of this. I think when you make a charge of it being ethnic discrimination, you really have to have a great deal to back it up. and I don’t see the evidence to back that up.”

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