Multiple gunshots were fired at the San Antonio Police headquarters building Saturday night, and police are seeking a suspect who was seen running from the area, SAPD Chief William McManus said.
The shots were fired just before 10 p.m. Saturday. There were no reports of injuries, but bullet marks were found on the exterior wall of the building, McManus said. Shell casings were discovered in a nearby alley.
The area near the building in the 300 block of South Santa Rosa was closed off as the investigation continued. Several police cars were seen at a nearby corner blocking access to the area.
One person was detained near the building, but McManus said that person was not a suspect. Police are still looking for a man seen running southbound away from the headquarters building. He was wearing an orange shirt and blue pants.
McManus said a car was found near the crime scene, and it was believed that it could be connected to the shooting. The SAPD Bomb Squad was checking the vehicle just after midnight to make sure it was clear. Then it was expected to be towed and impounded. – READ MORE