GOP Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa decided to poll her constituents before she announced her position on the Senate measure to replace the Affordable Care Act Sunday.
The Republican senator announced her decision by sending her constituents an email, telling voters that their feedback was critical to the decision-making process, according to a copy of the email obtained by The Hill.
“Traveling across Iowa on my 99 county tour, I hear from Iowans who are looking for affordable and patient-centered healthcare solutions; your feedback is critical. I will be closely examining the bill to see how it will affect insurance availability and affordability in 2018 and beyond,” Ernst wrote in the email.
Five Republican Senators, Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas, Mike Lee of Utah, Dean Heller of Nevada, Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin all declared they didn’t support the Senate plan as it was currently written, but indicated that they had an interest in negotiating the final language of the bill.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell indicated an interest in holding a vote on the measure Thursday, but it remains unclear if Republicans will have enough votes to pass the plan by then.
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