Former Navy SEAL blasts CNN’s Don Lemon for saying ‘white men’ are ‘biggest terror threat’


In the wake of CNN anchor Don Lemon stating that “the biggest terror threat in this country is white men,” a former U.S. Navy SEAL is pushing back with a declaration of his own.

To say that Ephraim Mattos is displeased that Lemon “labeled” him “a radicalized right-wing terrorist simply because of my gender and the color of my skin” is an understatement.

In his statement decrying Lemon’s words, Mattos pointed out that he fought terrorists overseas “for the cause of freedom … shoulder-to-shoulder with my brother Arabs, Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Animists, and Atheists.”

He also made a point to note numerous instances when white men have defended freedom and stood up for justice for all Americans but emphasized that he identifies as “simply ‘American,’ not as ‘white’ or ‘male’ or ‘Republican.’”

“Although blatantly racist and hateful, do not let Don Lemon’s ignorant words drive you into viewing yourself only by your race and religion,” Mattos concluded. “Identity politics does not lead to freedom. It only leads to hatred and division and an ‘us vs. them’ mentality.”

He added that “if CNN does not fire Don Lemon immediately, it only goes to show that they are truly the ‘enemy of the people.’” – READ MORE


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