Hillary Clinton will not face indictment prior to the 2016 Presidential Election in November, federal law enforcement sources confirm to True Pundit.
More than a year ago the FBI launched a criminal investigation to determine if the former Secretary of State violated federal laws by using a home brew email server to conduct State Department business. Agents have been investigating if Clinton received and transmitted classified or top secret emails from her home while intentionally bypassing the government’s highly-secured IT infrastructure. But now there is an overwhelming fear among many of the approximately 30 agents and bureau personnel working on the investigation that the case is lost in a “political haystack,” sources said.
Frustrated FBI insiders are lamenting at the pace of the case and believe their intelligence gathering and analysis were beyond strong enough for a referral to the Department of Justice several months ago, sources said. Agents are left to wonder now if their dogged research will ever see public eyes. This raises an important question: Are politicized FBI and DOJ brass running out the clock on a warranted criminal indictment prior to November?
“The window here has almost closed,” a federal law enforcement source said. “Clinton should have been interviewed months ago. There is no longer enough time to refer it to DOJ, vet the case with AUSA’s (Assistant US Attorney’s), the AG and her staff, prepare the case, call a Grand Jury, and put the case on.”
Officials said all those elements in the legal process, if expedited without delays or legal snags, would put a Grand Jury decision to indict in late September or October, just weeks before the election.
“Can you imagine the uproar if she was arrested weeks before the election?” a federal source said. “There was a window we were shooting for and we could have made it but everything is so slow now. I mean, she hasn’t even been interviewed. It’s incredible.”
Last week, True Pundit revealed in a series of stories that Clinton used Google servers as an email backbone for classified Benghazi emails in 2012. It was likewise discovered the bulk of those emails have never been recovered by Congress and other agencies or commissions investigating the email scandal. For anyone else in American politics this would spell legal disaster and would likely find a fast lane to federal prison. But according to federal law enforcement sources, not Clinton. At least not before the election. And if Clinton beats Donald Trump in November: not ever.
Agents have been trying to interview Clinton since about Dec. 2015 but approval within the bureau has been often delayed, sources said. Agents said the case was running smooth under John Giacalone who was the supervisor of the bureau’s National Security Branch, the arm spearheading the Clinton investigation. But Giacalone retired in early 2016. In early April FBI Director James Comey said he would personally interrogate Clinton in the coming days about her private server and email use. Now nearly three months later, no one in the FBI has interviewed Clinton and no date has been scheduled to do so.
“When Comey said he was going to interview Hillary personally, we cracked up,” a federal source said. “He doesn’t know the case well enough to interview witnesses or targets. We were laughing about what he was saying. It makes no sense. It could ruin the case or any case. Is he grandstanding for the media? Is he sitting on this?”