Europe opens door to sanctions on Iran after terror plots in Denmark, Paris


European leaders are opening the door to possible sanctions on Iran in the wake of terror plots across the continent — even as they criticize the Trump administration for reimposing sanctions on the Islamic Republic’s oil exports and financial dealings.

Denmark’s intelligence agency on Tuesday said that it had foiled an Iranian plot to kill an opposition activist, and had arrested a Norwegian of Iranian descent. The suspect has denied the allegations and is being held in custody. Iran’s Foreign Ministry has denied any involvement and has issued a “strong protest” to the Danish government.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Danish diplomats are now calling for sanctions on Tehran, and the idea won broad support at a Wednesday meeting of E.U. ambassadors — with at least eight countries backing calls for action — including France and the U.K.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Fox News Radio Wednesday that the U.S. is offering support for European countries to stop the assassination attempts. – READ MORE


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