Donald Trump’s Mo Is To Divide America, Says Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff


Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California said President Donald Trump’s “modus operandi” is to divide America, on “State of The Union” with Jake Tapper Sunday.

“Honestly, I think this president’s whole modus operandi is to divide us,” Schiff said. “He gets up in the morning with new and inventive ways to divide us. And it’s not enough that on the day of a tragedy he says the right words — if every day of the year, he’s saying things to bring us into conflict with each other.”

“Some go attempt to get into an African American church, shoot people and shot two African Americans in the store instead. You had these bombs that were sent around to the president’s critics and opponents. And you had someone who went into this synagogue filled with the idea that Jews were behind this caravan,” Schiff said. – READ MORE


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