As Democrats ramp up their impeachment efforts against President Trump, Fox News contributor Dan Bongino said the party is starting to panic at the possibility of being linked to illegal spying, as the Department of Justice inspector general prepares to release his report on the matter.
“It’s never going to stop. I mean, the republic is dying a slow death,” he said Monday on “Fox & Friends.” “We’re on life support here… They’re panicking because the IG report’s about to come out, which is about to expose a massive government spying operation against Donald Trump.
“Here’s the key takeaway — in collusion with foreign governments,” Bongino continued. “That’s why they’re panicking. And they’re panicking because… what the Obama administration did is 1,000 times worse than what they’re alleging Donald Trump did.”
Bongino also said it’s Trump’s job to protect the office of the president by standing firm against congressional lawmakers, specifically Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., by asserting his privilege as commander in chief. – READ MORE