Dem Advantage Down To Four Points After Peak Of Immigration Separation Crisis


Democrats’ advantage over Republicans going into November’s midterm election has narrowed to four points, according to a poll conducted shortly after the peak of the family separation crisis at the Southern border.

More than 36 percent of those surveyed in a CBS poll published Sunday said they want to see Republicans maintain control of Congress in 2018. Another 40 percent of those surveyed told pollsters they prefer to see Democrats come out ahead on Election Day.

The numbers are surprising considering the significant outcry against President Donald Trump’s zero tolerance policy, which resulted in the separation of families seeking illegal entry across the border. Nearly 73 percent of Americans oppose splitting up children from parents as a form of deterrence, the poll notes.

Democrats’ advantage in the generic ballot has continued to tumble throughout the year. Their advantage has dipped from a 10 point advantage they had heading into June, according to an NBC poll conducted at the time, which also showed 50 percent of registered voters wanting a Democratic-controlled Congress.- READ MORE

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