Even as Hurricane Irma prepared to strike Florida after devastating the Caribbean, discredited former news anchor Dan Rather promoted a Vox story worrying about how climate change is making parts of the state “uninhabitable.”
Climate alarmists seize every opportunity to complain about what they fear will be the impacts of manmade climate change. Hurricane Irma’s potential cost to lives and property wasn’t about to stop them, in fact it seemed to motivated some of them.
Vox writer David Roberts, an established climate alarmist who once called for Nuremberg-style trials of climate “deniers,” published a story Sept. 9, complaining about the lack of a “systemic approach” to deal with “escalating climate damages” including the future collapse of coastal real estate markets.
Perhaps striving for relevance many years after his exit from CBS after promoting false information about President George W. Bush, Rather promoted Roberts’ climate story on Facebook and Twitter. The inappropriate and insensitive timing didn’t bother the former news anchor turned news producer. – READ MORE
[contentcards url=”https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/business/julia-seymour/2017/09/11/dan-rather-uses-hurricane-push-vox-claim-south-florida-will” target=”_blank”]