Leah Barkoukis at Townhall assembled a cast of liberal ill-wishers on Twitter, just hoping Hurricane Irma trashes Mar-a-Lago. The Daily Beast posted a milder version of the “poetic justice” schadenfreude at the top of their home page on Friday: “Monster Hurricane Irma Barrels Toward Climate Change Deniers’ Playground.” Another headline suggested this monster hurricane was a “SUPERCHARGED LESSON” for conservatives. Michael Daly began:
The playground of big-shot climate-change deniers becomes subject to a hurricane evacuation order as of 5 p.m. Friday.
And were it not for all the innocent souls who have been and likely will be hurt by Hurricane Irma, you might see poetic justice in homes owned by President Trump and billionaire David Koch and commentators Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter being battered by a storm made the most powerful ever recorded in the Atlantic with a boost from warmer water and moister air.
[contentcards url=”https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/tim-graham/2017/09/08/daily-beast-hails-poetic-justice-climate-denier-homes-wrecked” target=”_blank”]