In the wake of recent victories for the pro-life movement in multiple states, Democratic lawmakers in Washington, D.C., introduced a bill Thursday that would hamstring states’ abilities to enact pro-life legislation.
At a news conference outside the U.S. Capitol, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) announced the introduction of the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” which would prohibit states from enacting a laundry list of abortion restrictions while invalidating laws that already exist.
Chu and Blumenthal have introduced versions of the bill in previous Congresses. The pro-abortion Center for Reproductive Rights’ summary of a previous version of the legislation bills it as “a federal legislative response designed to fight back” against state-level abortion laws.
“Our bill finally puts a stop to the state-based attacks that anti-abortion advocates have been trying to use to undermine or even reverse Roe,” Chu said at Thursday’s news conference. – READ MORE