CNN has published a lengthy article suggesting that wearing face masks to guard against coronavirus is racist due to African-Americans not being able to wear them over fears they will be treated like criminals.
Noting that the CDC has encouraged all Americans to wear face masks in the fight against COVID-19, Trevor Logan, an economics professor at Ohio State University, says he “will not be following this guidance.”
On social media and in interviews with CNN, a number of people of color — activists, academics and ordinary Americans — expressed fears that homemade masks could exacerbate racial profiling and place blacks and Latinos in danger.
— CNN (@CNN) April 7, 2020
“We have a lot of examples of the presumed criminality of black men in general,” Logan, who presumably isn’t knowledgable about FBI crime statistics, told CNN.
“And then we have the advice to go out in public in something that … can certainly be read as being criminal or nefarious, particularly when applied to black men,” he adds, noting how a black man wearing a face mask “looks like almost every criminal sketch of any garden-variety black suspect.” – READ MORE
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