After losing the presidential election ten months ago, Hillary Clinton is still on the blame game tour, this time to promote her election memoir What Happened, which was released today, September 12. She continued the whining and pointing of fingers during her appearance on the liberal podcast, “Pod Save America,” which is hosted by former speechwriters for President Obama.
Specifically, Clinton called out the media for putting Democrats at a “disadvantage” saying the media played a “false equivalency” with her and Trump in their reporting. Clinton also blamed right wing media outlets for not giving Democrats a fair advantage (because supposedly there is no left wing media outlets, right?)
“I think the Democrats can do a lot, but they’re still going to face a very difficult media environment. And we’ve got to figure out how we’re going to break through.I mean obviously more podcasts, more other ways of communicating so voices can be heard and real positions can be understood is part of it.”
“But we’re still at a disadvantage,” she whined.- READ MORE
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