True Pundit is issuing an Amber Alert for a missing CBS News story. The story was short, weighed very positive for Donald Trump, was last seen at a CBS affiliate website, and vanished early Monday morning, approximately 3 am EST.
Voters with any information on this story’s whereabouts are encouraged to be quiet and act like nothing happened, just like CBS who is refusing to comment on our questions of what happened to the Trump poll story. I mean, if the poll showed Hillary Clinton leading by +5 chances are there wouldn’t be a story on a missing story.
We now know that CBS reported/moved a favorable Trump poll on Sunday at 11:08 a.m. EST showing the Republican nominee up by 5+ points in Pennsylvania, Then hours later, the story was mysteriously scrubbed from
Fortunately, through the magic of vigilant journalism, we were able to reconstruct the full original CBS publication.
CBS, however, can scrub the story from its web site but cannot delete its existence from search engines.
The contents of the poll fall directly in line with True Pundit Intel received from Harrisburg sources one week ago who confirmed Trump was surging in the state.
If needed you can read the original story here, as released by the polling firm. If that story should end up vanishing too, just give us a holler. We saved that one too.