Members of the Young Americans for Freedom chapter at Saddleback College had their 9/11 memorial posters ripped down and shredded by the chair of the school’s History department.
According to The New Guard, the students were participating in the Young America’s Foundation “9/11: Never Forget” project, which involves planting 2,977 American flags to remember the lives lost 15 years ago on 9/11, when they were accosted by the professor, who proceeded to rip down their posters and direct them to confine their activities to one of the “free speech areas” on campus.
Prior to that altercation, The New Guard reportedWednesday that the school administration had cancelled the planned memorial service, prompting the YAF members to defy the prohibition by waking up before dawn to plant the flags and hang posters.
The students told Campus Reform that the perpetrator was Margot Lovett, a gender studies and humanities professor who has a history of controversial actions on campus. Notably, OC Weeklyreported in 2001 that she had promulgated a statement by the Black Radical Congress to her colleagues blaming “U.S. Imperialism” for the 9/11 attacks. – READ MORE