HIM TOO? Alleged 9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Says He Was ‘Sexually Harassed’ At GitMo


Several of the terrorists responsible for planning and preparing the September 11 attacks are taking a page from Hollywood, claiming that they’ve been subject to “sexually harassing” groin searches while imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay.

In court on Tuesday, 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and several other detainees — all of whom helped the 9/11 attackers, and all of whom will eventually face trial over one of the deadliest attacks in American history — claimed that a recent change in GitMo policy has led guards to manually search their groin areas, rather than simply running them through a scanner or metal detector.

“We be under sexual harassment today for search in being here,” Khalid Sheik Mohammed told the court. Similar sentiments were expressed by another accused terrorist, Ramzi Bin Al Shibh, who called the groin pat-down a “sexual harassment search.” – READ MORE


Newly released documents show which video games detainees at Guantanamo Bay play when they’re bored, and one of those games allows detainees to nuke Detroit.

Documents provided to Beryl Lipton and posted to Muck Rock, a repository of Freedom of Information Act Requests, show which video games are available for the prison’s two gaming consoles, the Playstation 3 and Nintendo DS.

Guantanamo Bay’s librarian Milton told VICE News in early 2015 that the prison does not carry violent video games or movies, but there are a few titles that bring that statement into question, namely the first-person shooter 007 Legends and the game Persona 4 Arena. Officials in 2015 allowed detainees to play video games while being force-fed.

In Persona 4 Arena, most of the activities revolve around shooting people in the face.

But in Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon, detainees actually get the chance to nuke Detroit, as shown in the video game’s trailer.

Interestingly, the librarians don’t seem particularly capable at spelling the names of game developers, misspelling “Nintendo” as “Nitendo,” “LucasArts” as “Lucas Stars” and “Square Enix” as “Squarq CNIX”

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