Abrams, Kemp both claim victory after federal judge’s split decision in Georgia


Both Democrat Stacey Abrams and Republican Brian Kemp are celebrating victory in the Georgia governor’s race after a split decision by a federal judge on Wednesday.

U.S. District Judge Steve Jones ordered that the secretary of state’s office not certify results until absentee ballots on which the voter’s date of birth is missing or incorrect are counted, siding with Abrams’s campaign.

Abrams’s campaign manager, Lauren Groh-Wargo, lauded the decision.

“This is a major victory for Georgia voters and the Abrams campaign in the fight to ensure every eligible vote is counted and every voice is heard,” she said, according to USA Today.

Jones sided with Kemp’s campaign on two counts, however. Counties will not be required to accept absentee ballots with incorrect addresses or provisional ballots cast by people who tried to vote in the wrong county.

“Tonight, ‏Judge Jones rejected efforts by Stacey Abrams and her radical allies to undermine the democratic process and rule of law in Georgia,” said Kemp’s communications director, Ryan Mahoney. “He denied her requests to create new voters and slammed the door on attempts to count illegal votes.”- READ MORE


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