Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley thinks it’s time for a federal watchdog to cough up some answers about a disturbing report it withheld from Congress and taxpayers on an estimated 1,300 wanted criminal fugitives living in subsidized public housing.
The Iowa Republican also wants to know why the Department of Housing and Urban Development apparently isn’t enforcing the law against criminals living in federally subsidized housing.
“The HUD Inspector General needs to explain whether the wanted fugitive felon report was final or not and if there are problems with the data,” Grassley told The Daily Caller News Foundation Monday. “And HUD needs to explain why the federal law isn’t being enforced.”
“These discrepancies don’t inspire confidence that the agency has a good handle on wanted fugitive felons in public housing or that the residents are being adequately protected,” Grassley told TheDCNF. “Inspector general reports should be public with very few exceptions.” – READ MORE