UNDERCOVER DOC: Too-Frail-to-Jail Hillary’s Private Doc Dresses as Secret Service But Wields Anti-Seizure Gun


Hillary Clinton’s health has deteriorated so much in recent weeks that a physician is at the Democratic presidential nominee’s side at all times and ready to administer emergency medication via military- style auto-injector to help prevent severe seizures and brain damage.

Clinton’s physician, who has been dressing identical to her Secret Service detail in recent weeks, carries a “SinglePen D” style auto-injector that can be instantly applied through several layers of clothing, sources said. The injector, designed for use during military combat, is loaded with a dose of diazepam, federal sources said. Diazepam affects chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with anxiety disorders, alcohol withdrawal symptoms, spasms and is often used with other medications to treat seizures. Accidental falls are a common side effect for elderly patients who take diazepam. The drug’s manufacturer warns to use caution to avoid falling or accidental injury while you are taking this medicine.

The nominee’s Secret Service detail has dubbed Clinton’s physician “Doc” when talking via Motorola encrypted two-way communications, sources said. “Doc” too wears a Motorola earpiece and can communicate as needed with her security detail, sources said.

Here we see Clinton’s physician race to her side after a light protest at one of her rallies. Notice the doctor instructs Clinton multiple times to “keep talking” to keep her focused and try to deflate an overly-anxious Hillary. Then “Doc” instructs the Secret Service agents to leave the stage.

We pinpointed this photo taken in Philadelphia in the “tunnels” of the Wells Fargo center from Thursday night of the Democratic National Convention. We were able to pinpoint the “SinglePen D” style auto-injector in the left hand of Hillary’s doctor.


Here is enhanced photography of the “SinglePen D” style auto-injector from the same picture.


True Pundit cross referenced this photo with current and retired Secret Service agents that served in a variety of protective divisions including the Airspace Security Branch; the Counter Sniper Team; the Emergency Response Team; the Counter Surveillance Unit; the Counter Assault Team; and the Hazardous Agent Mitigation and Medical Emergency Response Team. Agents said the equipment pictured in the left hand of the physician is not issued by the Secret Service and confirmed it is a medical device pictured below.


Now, after these troubling health revelations, Matt Drudge and various Twitter bloggers are calling for Clinton to release her medical records, some 10 days after True Pundit Publisher Thomas Paine was the first journalist to do so, amid crickets. (Media & Drudge, please note in all your stories that True Pundit called for Hillary’s medical records in July while you folks were talking about Trump eating fast food with a fork. I mean, you want to be fair, right?)

We found these images of Hillary’s physician at her side at recent public appearances, as compiled in a montage by a Reddit subscriber and forwarded to True Pundit. Below that is a larger version of “Doc” helping a struggling Hillary up a short flight of stairs.











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