How Obamacare Destroyed The Middle Class In One Chart


Ever wonder how politicians and bureaucrats can go out and deliver the same misleading propaganda to various media outlets each day and keep a straight face while doing it?  Are these folks so detached from the real world that they go back to the “safe space” of their offices in Washington D.C. and pat themselves on the back thinking they’ve actually duped the American people into believing some alternate set of facts that have no basis in reality?  Or, are they so immersed in the false narratives day in and day out that they actually start to believe their own rhetoric?

No matter the reason, one narrative we’ve found particularly misleading this week comes to us courtesy of Marjorie Connolly, of the Department of Health and Human Services, who has the brutally difficult job of defending the “success” of Obamacare as it literally on the verge of collapse from soaring premiums and declining insurer participation.  While we certainly don’t envy the position of Connolly, we do find some of her comments to the press “slightly” misinformed.  – READ MORE

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