‘Homeland Security’ Prepares For Violence At Republican Convention


Following yesterday’s stark warning by the militant “black power” organization, the New Black Panther Party, which warned it would arrive in Cleveland packing firearms for self-defense ahead of the republican convention, we were curious how long it would take the various US authorities to admit that the upcoming Republican and Democratic conventions will be ground zero for the next round in escalating US violence. The answer, it turned out, was just about 24 hours.

Earlier today, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers, that they are preparing their agencies for the “possibility of violence, both from unruly demonstrators and terrorists”, at the upcoming Republican and Democratic nominating conventions.

In what could end up being a self-fulfilling prophecy, Jeh Johnson, speaking before the House Homeland Security Committee, said he was concerned that demonstrations at the events could get out of hand.

“I am concerned about the prospect of demonstrations getting out of hand,” Johnson told members of the House Homeland Security Committee at a hearing on terrorist threats. “I am concerned about the possibility of violence.” – READ MORE

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